
Photo of Dominic playing banjo in front of a tree.

Dominic is a singer/songwriter raised in BC’s Lower Mainland. Currently based out of Vancouver, he uses his banjo and voice to reach people with his intimate lyrical writing. His music draws inspiration from Hozier, The Amazing Devil, and Pete Seeger, with a very alt-folk feel to much of his work. Dominic writes from his life and experiences as someone who grew up in the unique biome that is the Lower Mainland, and as a trans man. His lyrics frequently talk about transformation and the natural world, as well as how the expectations of others can’t change the true nature of things.

Dominic started his love of music at age six, after his older brother had his first piano lesson. Dominic sat down at the piano and refused to move until he got a lesson as well. After years of exams with the Royal Conservatory of Music, and graded performances at events like the Kwantlen Music Festival, Dominic lost touch with what made him fall in love with music, and discontinued lessons and performing in his early twenties. Instead he began developing his skills in mixing and sound creation at Douglas College, studying in their Music Technology program. Later he went on to work as a live sound technician.

But Dominic never stopped looking for that magic he felt when he first sat down at a piano. A magic he found again when he picked up a banjo for the first time. Since then Dominic has been composing and performing around Vancouver at street festivals, in parks, at open mics, and wherever else he can find a place to share his music.